2024 Election Results
Thank you to all of the candidates and everyone who voted.
The following members have been elected to serve from 2024-2027:
President-Elect - Dr. Mark Stoddart, Memorial University
Treasurer - Dr. Qiang Fu, University of British Columbia
Anti-Islamophobia Subcommittee - Dr. Lucy El-Sherif, McMaster University
Black Caucus - Dr. Giselle Thompson, University of Alberta
Equity Issues Subcommittee - Dr. Jessica Braimoh, York University and Dr. Foroogh Mohammadi, Acadia University
Francophone Affairs Subcommittee - Charles Berthelet, Université du Québec à Montréal
Policy, Ethics, and Professional Concerns Subcommittee - Dr. Tom Buchanan, Mount Royal University
Research Advisory Subcommittee - Dr. Timothy Kang, University of Saskatchewan
Student Concerns Subcommittee - Sara Hormozinejad, University of Toronto; Rezvaneh Erfani Hossein Pour, University of Alberta; and Michelle Nadon-Bellanger, University of Toronto