(ECS4) Confronting Contemporary Capitalism

Tuesday Jun 04 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)
Sans objet

Session Code: ECS4
Session Format: Présentations
Session Language: Anglais
Research Cluster Affiliation: Economic Sociology
Session Categories: Terminé

The 2008 financial crisis massively destabilized the neoliberal regime of capitalism. Yet, despite greater state intervention in responses to the crises, including COVID-19, neither do we appear to have returned to Keynesianism. So, what is the current conjuncture of capitalism? This session is a general call for theoretical and empirical interventions that aim to speak to contemporary capitalism and the challenges it faces, as well as the challenges we face in analyzing it. The themes include political trust, crises of capitalism, the re-emergence of inflation and the ongoing cost of living crises, imagination of a post-capitalist economy, as well as the study of contemporary capitalism utilizing novel tools such as AI and machine learning. Tags: Économie, Égalité et Inégalité, Politique