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Minority Education

Éducation Webinaire 2022

Canadian Association of Sociology of Education (CASE) and Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Sociology of Education Research Cluster invite you to enjoy this webinar.

Watch the recording

Presentation #1: Mélissa Villella, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue

“And there was never an issue in that other school…’’ : Deconstructing critical incidents in French language schools: what do interculturalism, antiracism, Langcrit and transformative leadership have to do with it?

Presentation #2: Sivane Hirsch, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivière and Devorah Feldman, CEO – Limmud Center

Homeschooling within a Hassidic community in Montreal: documenting social and pedagogical innovation