The urban commons as a concept of urban citizenship: 2 case studies in Bologna, Italy

Charmain Levy, Université du Québec en Outaouais

The urban commons as a concept and social practice represents a new socio-economic and territorial logic in sustainable urbanism. They take different forms and include several social groups, generating a multitude of ideas and practices, sometimes new and sometimes in continuity with the past. We explore how experiences of the urban commons contribute to debates in urban sociology, particularly around issues of citizen participation and urban governance. Through two case studies of urban commons in the city of Bologna we will analyse the structural and contextual conditions that led to their creation and the associative dynamics developed. This article offers an overview of how these projects contribute to participatory territorial development by comparing six different elements: the needs targeted and met; inclusion and democratic practices; the political aspect; ecological values and practices; feminist values and practices; and the appropriation of urban space.

Non-presenting author: Marco Alberio, University of Bologna

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