Conference Awards

The Canadian Sociological Association, our Research Clusters, and Congress sponsored awards featured as part of the annual Conference.

The Work, Professions and Occupations Research Cluster will accept submissions until June 25, 2024.  Learn More

**Recipient information is now being released.  See more below**

CSA Conference Best Student Paper Award

Deadline: April 15, 2024

An award is presented annually by the Association to the graduate student whose paper, presented at the 2024 CSA Conference, is judged by the Association’s Awards Committee to be the best among those received for adjudication.
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Congress Student Merit Award

Deadline: April 5, 2024

Graduate students (MA and PhD) members of the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) who have been approved to present a paper at the 2024 CSA Conference are invited to apply for this award.
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2024 Recipients:

Research Cluster Awards

Deadlines vary

Several Canadian Sociological Association Research Clusters feature Best Student Paper Awards as part of our annual Conference.  Submissions must be submitted to the cluster directly.
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2024 Recipients:

Criminology and Law Research Cluster – Roberta S. Pamplona, University of Toronto; Feminist Repurposing: Activism Against Violence, State Incorporation, and the Feminicídio Law in Brazil

Economic Sociology Research Cluster – Zhen Wang, University of Toronto; A Matter of Size: Varied Experiences of Deregulation

Internet, Technology, and Digital Sociology – Amber-Lee Varadi, York University; “TikTok isn’t a hobby”: Media(ted) connections, identities, and leisure among contemporary high school-aged youth

Internet, Technology, and Digital Sociology (Honourable Mention) – Hongshu Wang, Western University; Vegetarianism and anti-Vegetarianism Frames in Chinese-Language Social Media

Political Sociology and Social Movements – Rezvaneh Erfani Hossein Pour, University of Alberta; Intersectional ecofeminisms: Fighting for a “safe space” in climate activist circles in Istanbul and Cairo

Sociology of Culture – Michael Slinger, University of Ottawa; Medicalization Through the Re-Definition of Problems and Solutions

Sociology of Education Research Cluster – Anne-Marie Bresee, Western University; Student care: The onus on women professors

Sociology of Health Research Cluster – Michael Slinger, University of Ottawa; The Many Faces of Mental Health: How Practitioners Enact Mental Health in Psychotherapy

Sociology of Migration Research Cluster – Tori Shucheng Yang, University of British Columbia; Gendering Queer Migration: Evidence from Chinese LGBTQ+ Migrants

Work, Professions, and Occupations – Manlin Cai, University of British Columbia; Workplace Authority in China: Gender, Parenthood, and Work Sectors

Work, Professions, and Occupations – Nicole Jokinen-Hurl, Trent University; Contractors, or Employees? A Deep-dive into the Identity and Structure of Gig Economy Workers