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Réseau canadien d’études durkheimienne

Canadian Network of Durkheimian Studies/ Réseau canadien d’études durkheimienne (CNDS/RCED)


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The objectives of the Network are to:

  • Encourage broad-based Durkheimian sociological research (theoretical, empirical, and historical-contextual)
  • Further studies of the history and development of Durkheimian social science
  • Provide a venue for dialogue, exchange and collaboration, nationally and internationally
  • Share resources for teaching Durkheimian sociology
  • Coordinate broader research programmes
  • Participate in Canadian Sociological Association/Société canadienne du sociologie (CSA/SCS) Conferences (organizing sessions for paper presentations, panels, and/or keynote lectures)


The Canadian Network of Durkheimian Studies/Réseau canadien d’études durkheimienne (CNDS/RCED) was formed in the Spring of 2012. It became a research cluster of the CSA in the Fall 0f 2013. Its early formation was closely tied with theLaboratoire d’études durkheimiennes de L’Université du Québec à Montréal (LED, UQAM: http://leduqam.com/) which hosted an international conference, Durkheim et Le Politique in August 2013.

The creation of CNDS/RCED was stimulated by longstanding collaborative Durkheimian research in Canada and the desire to institutionalise this activity.

CNDS/RCED is officially affiliated with: The British Centre for Durkheimian Studies, Oxford University; the recently formed Brazilian Centre of Durkheimian Studies, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, at Porto Alegre, Brazil; and La Société Française d’Études Durkheimiennes, Paris.

Research Cluster activities are coordinated organically and collaboratively by the Organizing Committee consisting of volunteers. They generally include, in alphabetical order: Dr. Ronjon Paul Datta, Dr. Tara Milbrandt, Dr. William (Bill) Ramp, and Dr. Robin Willey.

Conference Sessions

Demande de résumés de recherche : 4 décembre 2024 - 27 janvier 2025


Brief Bio of Durkheim, Published on the 100th Anniversary of his death, November 15, 2017.

See noted Durkheim Scholar, Edward Tiryakian deliver the Bruce Mayhew Memorial Lecture at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, April 3, 2008. The title of the talk is “Cartoons Are No Laughing Matter: A Durkheimian Perspective.

Hear an AUDIO recording of Emile Durkheim

E-Versions of Many of Durhheim’s Major Works (French):


L’Annee Sociologique (First Series – French)

The Durkheim Pages, The University of Chicago

Sociosite.net (Contains useful links)

Web Electronic Versions of Durkheim’s Works:

The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Swain Translation)

Professional Ethics and Civic Morals


Suicide: A Study in Sociology

Who Wanted War?

Durkheim on Pragmatism

Some additional free material can be found on the Kobo website:

Specialist Journals:

The Journal of Classical Sociology

Durkheimian Studies

Journal de Mauss

The Canadian Journal of Sociology
Vol 39, No 4 (2014): Special Issue: Durkheim’s Elementary Forms of Religious Life: Contemporary Engagements.