(EDU1b) Sociology of Education in K-12 Part 2

Wednesday Jun 19 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)
Trottier Building - ENGTR 0060

Session Code: EDU1b
Session Format: Présentations
Session Language: Anglais, français
Research Cluster Affiliation: Sociology of Education
Session Categories: Bilingue, Séances Sur Place

This session features papers that draw on empirical, theoretical, or methodological issues in the realm of K-12 education. Cross-listed with the Canadian Association of Sociology of Education (CASE). Tags: Éducation, Enfants Et Jeunes

Organizers: Cathlene Hillier, Crandall University, Maria Brisbane, University of Waterloo; Chairs: Bobby Angelini, McGill University, Jordan Koch, McGill University


Véronique Grenier, Université du Québec à Montréal

Différenciation de l'offre scolaire au Québec : exploration de sa « mise en œuvre » dans une école secondaire publique

Au Québec, dans le secteur public, on constate la présence de voies hiérarchisées (régulière versus enrichie), surtout au secondaire. Si cette hiérarchisation de l’offre scolaire caractérise la majorité des écoles secondaires publiques, on connaît peu ses effets sur leur fonctionnement. S’appuyant sur étude ethnographique et mobilisant une sociologie des organisations, cette communication expose les enjeux d’une école publique secondaire relativement à la «mise en œuvre» de la différenciation de l’offre scolaire. Elle illustre aussi comment la réalité locale d’une école la cadre. Pour conclure, elle propose une réflexion sur les inégalités de traitement au sein du système éducatif québécois.

Abigail Fisher, OISE, University of Toronto

Factors Influencing the Implementation of School-Based Mental Health Services in Ontario's Public Schools

In Ontario, there are increasing calls for more mental health supports in schools. Mental Health Leaders and Implementation Coaches work diligently to implement school-based mental health services (SBMHS). However, successful implementation relies on many factors. To uncover these factors, seven semi-structured interviews with Mental Health Leaders and Implementation Coaches were conducted. The data was analyzed using Framework analysis and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research as a framework. The results suggest that facilitators for implementation of SBMHS lie within the Outer Setting domain. Conversely, most of the barriers to implementation were categorized into the Individual Characteristics and Implementation Process domains.

Bobby Angelini, McGill University; Jordan Koch, McGill University

"It's overwhelming": Physical and Health Educators Reflect on the Practice and Provision of Mental Health Education in Québec High Schools

This presentation will explore the provision of mental health education from the perspective of Physical and Health Education (PHE) teachers in Québec. Our findings revealed a slew of structural barriers that impeded teachers’ integration of meaningful mental health content in their classrooms, including: the lack of formal training; large class sizes; stereotypes about PHE as a non–cognitive subject; and restricted time allotments. Early–career PHE teachers also credited the normalization of limited–term teaching contracts in Québec with impeding their ability to establish the strong relationships necessary to broach delicate topics such as mental health with their students.