Death and Militancy: Call for Papers

Dying, and Revolution in the Francophone World, ca. 1960-1980
November 7-8, 2025 (Université du Québec à Montréal - Montréal, Québec)
Call for Papers Deadline: March 25, 2025
The interdisciplinary, bilingual (French and English) two-day event will bring together scholars studying the relationship between death and militancy in the francophone world.
Potential themes for presentations include but are not limited to the following thanatological themes:
● Death and Marxist thought
● Suicide and self-death
● Religion, secularism, and martyrdom
● Grief, trauma, and emotion
● Gender, race, and identity as motivation or response to death
● Indigeneity, nationhood, and individual or collective belonging
● Terror and state violence
● The (il)legality and (il)legibility of death
● Representations of death and dying in literature or poetry, films, plays or art
● Funerals, Memorialization and Commemoration
We especially welcome contributions that pay attention to the global or transnational dimensions of these questions.