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Scholar Connect: Linking Students with Professors

Mar 7, 2024
Student News
Preview of Scholar Connect: Linking Students with Professors

Scholar Connect: Linking Students with Professors

The Canadian Sociological Association’s Student Concerns Subcommittee is launching this pilot program from March through August 2024.

The student members of the CSA have indicated a need for networking facilitation between students and faculty for mentorship as well as research project and co-publishing opportunities. PhD students from smaller departments, and those wishing for options in universities (and faculty) outside their own institution will greatly benefit from this type of program.

In the first stage of this program, we will be accepting applications from student members. If approved, student profiles will be posted on the CSA website.

In the next stage, faculty and organizations across Canada will be encouraged to reference the approved profiles and pursue collaboration with the students. The CSA will also share news and information with students in the program directly regarding opportunities as they arise.

Student Eligibility

  • Active membership in the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) is required at the time of application and for the duration of the student’s inclusion in the program
  • Current enrollment in an academic institution at the PhD student level
  • Enrollment in a department of sociology or multi-disciplinary department with a sociology focus (e.g. Sociology and Anthropology, Sociology and Criminology, Social Sciences, etc)
  • Students must agree to their profiles being posted on the CSA website


  • The CSA cannot guarantee that the students will be contacted or offered opportunities
  • It is the responsibility of the students and institution or organization to negotiate any agreements pertaining to the opportunities being offered

Apply by March 28, 2024
