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Vegan Sociology conference

May 13, 2024
Call for Submissions Conferences Webinars and Virtual Events
Preview of Vegan Sociology conference

Title: Interrogating Capitalism

Call for Paper Deadline: June 1, 2024

Date: October 5 & 6, 2024

Location: Online

Registration TBA | Program TBA | Business Meeting TBA

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This year’s conference honors the work of John Sorenson, a pioneering vegan sociologist who published many of the first articles, chapters, and books in vegan sociology and has taught some of the longest-running classes in animals and society. Sorenson is also a founder of Critical Animal Studies. Sorenson’s work explores themes of capitalism, colonialism, and intersectional resistance. Indeed, one of sociology’s key contributions to Critical Animal Studies is the structural emphasis on the state and economic exploitation. We invite presentations for the 2024 conference that align with these areas of inquiry.

Individual presentations will be between 10-15 minutes. We also welcome submissions for panels. We do not require completed papers to accompany accepted presentations.

Submissions must include the following (in order and numbered, please):

Preferred name
Institutional email
Institutional affiliation (if any)
Presentation title
Abstract 100-300 words
Short statement indicating how the submission is sociological

Faculty, students, and independent scholars are encouraged to submit. We regret that presentations that are not clearly sociological will not be included. Submissions must also adhere to the International Association of Vegan Sociologists’ guiding principles.

Submit by email to info@vegansociology.com